“I am so honored and blessed to have found Janice Hope Gorman at the early stage of my spiritual journey and exploration. I was referred to her through a friend of mine after my son died in a tragic accident. I remember going to her home for a reading and being amazed by the information and spiritual insight that she brought through in our session. I started seeing her regularly, and was able to participate in some of her spiritual classes in the basement of her home. I have seen the Hope Interfaith Center grow leaps and bounds and have always been amazed by Hope’s ability to listen to Spirit and follow the path of Divine Oneness. I remember watching with awe as the Hope Interfaith Center outgrew its first location at 808 North Second Street. It was not long before Hope was guided to follow Spirit’s calling to provide a new location to accompany the expanded growth that was needed at HIC. It is so exciting to see the continued growth at 114 Pohl Road, and to see many people’s lives touched through this spiritual community.

The Hope Interfaith Center provides a community for spiritual exploration in which I have been unable to find anywhere else. It is a place where I know that I am always accepted and loved, and have come to greatly treasure all of the friendships that I have made. I have been blessed to have participated in so many wonderful classes and events including Oneness Blessing initiation, Spiritual Leadership Class, Meditation classes, DNA activations, Monthly spiritual teachings, Hope’s Blog Talk Radio Show, as well as many others that I have participated in throughout the years.

Janice Hope Gorman is also my spiritual teacher. I have grown so much throughout these years through her loving guidance and wisdom teachings. I appreciate that she lives within the integrity in which she teaches. She always walks her talk outside the spiritual center, which I believe is what attracts me to her the most. It is easy to teach spiritual concepts, but to teach and walk the talk is the highest mark of a true spiritual teacher and Master. I am so deeply honored to know Hope and to be a part of this exciting spiritual community, where all sacred pathways are truly honored and celebrated!”

~Jill Grace

“Ever since I was younger, I remember never really fitting in and always feeling like I was different from others. I never really knew why, but I always assumed it was due mainly to my physical attributes, the things that can be seen. I also remember clearly having a dream when I was little about a beautiful angel standing in my doorway. A dream that seemed so real…but had to have been just a dream, right?

In early 2000, I was introduced to the Hope Interfaith Center and at that point, my life was changed forever. I felt that I fit in and had a spiritual place to call home. A place that is so filled with love and divinity and inner peace. A place that welcomes you with open arms and that says “I see you” but not just through the eyes but through the heart.

I have learned so much from Hope and the rest of the HIC family over the years. I have been truly blessed to be a part of this wonderful community that is so supportive and loving to all. I have also grown so much and done so many things that I never would have imagined.

When I reflect back to my childhood, perhaps I felt different and out of place because I could feel the Goddess energy, love and light within me but didn’t know how to also fit into society.

Thanks To Hope and the HIC family, I now knowingly walk forth in the world allowing my Goddess energy to shine brightly upon the earth and everyone and everything that may come forth in my path. “Within me lies a part of you and within you lies a part of me…as we are all one in Unity Consciousness”

~Denise Hals