Winding Down the Year but Winding Up To Believe!

Dear Friends,

As the year begins to wind down this is also the beginning of the season of gratitude and believing! Please let me gently make something very clear. Many dreams still wait in the wings. Many aspirations are just within our grasp if we keep stretching. Many hungers need nourishment. Many yearnings must be acknowledged, so that they can be fulfilled. Many authentic sparks must be fanned before Passion per-forms her perfect work in you. So let’s throw another log on the fire….This is not the day you quit! This is not the day you set your dreams aside! For this is the season and day you stare down every naysayer in your life, including you who doesn’t believe your dreams are possible to come true. Finally. And now you all know that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. This is the season and the day that you shout, “I Believe!” Keep on shouting it until you’re hoarse. No more muttering under your breath. Do you know what happens every time a child says, “I don’t believe in fairies!” A fairy falls down and begins to cry! Do you know what happens every time a Lightworker says, “I don’t believe. It’s taking too long!” The Angels cry!

This is not the season to stop believing in your DREAMS! This might be the time to wind UP! We simply can’t afford the luxury of skepticism. And what must you believe with every breath, until you do believe again? This is the time of the mystical alchemy the Spirit of the Season! Yes, we might be winding down the year but let us not wind down on gathering in groups for world peace or gathering in groups to work with the alchemy energy that is avail-able at this time. So I am going to personally ask you all to keep on believing that you have the passion, intelligence, brilliance, creativity, wisdom, clarity, depth, and savvy to find that quiet center of solace, serenity, and strength necessary to create and sustain an authentic life and to keep joining us at the Hope Interfaith Center to create the New World! An authentic spiritual life is the most personal form of worship and the best gift you can give to yourself as well as the world!
Oh, I thank you Charles Dickens! Because he is the person who wrote, “Would that the spirit of Christmas, like the nature of the Beloved, could live within our hearts every day of the year.” This is the time to BELIEVE! This is the time to wind up! This is the time to gather together! This is the time to celebrate!

We have so many wonderful events at the Hope Interfaith Center for you to come to that are FREE! Perhaps this is our Christmas gift to all of you all year long! We have groups and classes that can help you go beyond the toys, tinsel, and all the stuff and move you into a moment of quiet reflection and peace. We hope that after you attend a Spiritual Service you may truly say that you know how to keep the Spirit of the Beloved in your hearts always and bring it forth upon this planet. And may you all be able to say…

“Merry Christmas! And God Bless Us, God Bless Us Every One!”

Don’t get distracted by the business of this Season! Cast a wider net. Pay close attention to your dreams. Follow your urges. Honor your hunches. Use intuition as the spiritual tool that it is. Consider coming to a spiritual service or two, or perhaps a class or one of the wonderful group gatherings that we offer. Be rereceptive and alert. See how many celestine moments you can accumulate in the course of a day. The more you are open to the magic of this season, the more magnetic you will become to receive your dreams to come TRUE!

With Pure Heart,

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