Blog Talk Radio: The New Cities of Light

The Pure Hope Show – November 25, 2014

Special Guest, Rev. Kari Chapman

Rev. Kari Chapman will share her recent Spiritual Journey of Peace & Freedom to the Middle East/Saudi Arabia. We will have a magical interesting talk about her experiences with the New Cities of Light, the Starship Genesis World Servers of Peace that she helped bring through in the Middle East and one in Amsterdam the Consortium. She will share what exactly a City of Light is and give information about the New Cities of Lights that are now being anchored on Earth.

During this program, you will find out what all the warring energies are and WHY current earth changes are happening to humanity. Listen and learn how you can play a part in helping the Divine Plan at Hand! Kari will be opening herself to Spirit to allow new messages to come through.

This episode of the Pure Hope Blog Talk Radio Show aired live on Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Rev. Kari ChapmanRev. Kari Chapman is a soul interventionist and internally known as a Teacher for Teachers. She is the founder of the Namaste Healing Center in Lake Mills, WI.  Rev. Chapman is also a conscious multidimensional psychic and a dedicated healer. Kari conducts Akashic Record Readings with Archangel Michael and many multidimensional, angelic and galactic hierarchies. She is an author of five published books and is dedicated to helping others with transformation and personal growth. She gives accurate, compassionate, holy psychic readings.

I invite you all to spread this news to others and listen to this most informative program.  All of our programs are intentionally filled with Love and Light!
Blessings from Hope

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