Channeled Message from Mother Hope

As I bring this forth, I want you all to know that I sat at my little altar at home for a few moments before I went into deep prayer and sacred communion. I chanted a Mantra to the ONENESS for several hours and was reveling in a sublime state of Divine connectedness. I could feel the Presence of the Divine Mother/Father within my body, as it swayed with the joy of the Presence of the ONE. The sweet smile on my face which for me signals the Presence was on my lips. And the deep sense of complete LOVE from within my heart I knew I was completely connected. In this moment, all was well in my world.

My child you are now free from thought and you are unable to conjure up thoughts within you. Because you have lost your identity as Janice or Hope or even Mother Hope, you are not the “you” that you think you are. You are ME and I am YOU! There is no separation between the ONENESS and you. Please tell all others of this truth as well. We also want you to tell them that there are no should or should not’s in any of your situations. You are just choosing from a menu of infinite possibility and the selections are great. We would just tell you that your choices of which you are making for your highest good and the highest good of all. You are not required to make those selections. We are just asking you this question so you can reach your permanent stage of JOY and BLISS!

  • Remember there are no failures here. Just outcomes from your choices of which you have chosen to create. Any scenario that is happening in your life is an energetic experience that you are participating in. If you do not like where you are at then you also must know that it is not necessary for you to make these choices. The option to abide in the Divine Connection that is so very Present is also an option that you are welcome to choose, and to experience.
  • You have the power and abilities right now within you to make other experiences in your life. And if you continue to listen to truth you will realize that ONENESS is already your nature and your natural existence.
  • This is time to have a monologue with your hearts. So hold them tight and reach inside and feel your own personal powers and abilities.
  • Continue to ride the waves and rejoice in the journey and know you have the power to change everything in your life.
  • One does not need to “qualify” in some linear fashion for the experience of BLISS!
  • You are the creators! So make your choices and realize at any moment you are able to make another.
  • Suspend your mind within your heart and see how the Eagle and the Condor have come together within you.

The identity of who is speaking in this instant is ONENESS. There is no one home inside Hope. There is only ONENESS. There is no separation between the one whose identity characterizes herself as HOPE. It is also the same for you! You are all flowing in the ONENESS NOW! Enjoy and Rejoice for there is only ONE BEING.

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