Personal Message From Hope

Dear Friends,
I am delighted to share a few personal comments with all of you who are my friends and clients and peers and helpers. I can testify to the many changes that have taken place in my life during this time of great change upon the planet. I continue to personally meditate, pray and contemplate my journey as a light worker, teacher and helper to all those who come to the Hope Interfaith Center. I now know that I am more dedicated than ever to providing a place that is a safe and holy and accepting of all.

When I first approached the task of sharing with all those who would come that there was an inner spirit within that is a blazing glow of infinity that is ever expanding called Oneness I thought it would be easy. To say the least it has not been a journey for the weak of heart. Yes I share honestly that the journey has brought up every emotion of fear, lack of self-worth, and doubt that my life and my family would be made fun of. I need to share with you, also that I had to confront that fear of the greatest magnitude—fear that I couldn’t do it “right”–fear that I would be laughed at, ostracized or scorned, fear that my mortality might tint the truth of the messages that I would receive, and many other things. But the deep, deep feeling of joy that I have experienced while working with the Spiritual Guides and Angels has over-ridden the bumps in the road. There were many times when I could feel the Master’s presence with me as if we were entwined. And I kept on hearing that “We are All One. Made in His/Her Image! Please help people know that this is theirs to realize to become their highest potential on Earth.”

We at the Hope Interfaith Center wish to inspire and compel all to discover your true nature as pure awareness via using simple inquiry, by having personal insights, as well as offering wisdom teachings and a wide range of classes and events.

Transcending Cultural and Social conditioning has been one of those bumps for me and many people. Few are those who ever challenge or outgrow the beliefs that have been instilled by family and society during those early years. And yet we must as we move into the “Golden Age” of a new family of ONE! We are seeing more and more people come to the center to explore the truth of who they are. They no longer feel inclined to stay put in the narrow ideas which they have received from many places. People now are realizing that their BEING is size-less and they are transcending the limitations of conditioning.

I personally would like to remind you of the greatness of your Being. And when you know this you then will create a world of true happiness, joy, peace, light and justice for all.

We welcome people from all faiths, and back grounds. You are my family! Let us join together in the Oneness and know that you are reading this with the power that is within you. If you are looking for something deeper than you have found so far look no more. If you are looking for a place of peace and safety from judgment look no more. If you are looking for inclusivity and love look no more! You have found it just by reading this!

I have been doing this work now for over 25 plus years and rejoice in the fact that fear and hate cannot exist when there is LOVE! Come and immerse your energy and your mind into the discovery of the Truth. If you continue to stick to the inquiry, you will make a true phenomenal discovery that you are a magnificent being that is here on earth to awaken at this time and remember to Love yourself and to Love one another. When you walk into our great room where we have spiritual service and classes, you will see on one side of the wall! All SACRED PATHWAYS are HONORED HERE! On the other wall, you will see “WE ARE ALL ONE.”

I look forward to seeing you soon and giving you a big hug and smile!

With Pure Heart,

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