Blog Talk Radio: Truth from Gigi and her Angels!

Tuesday, November 29
7:00 p.m. central time

gigiGigi Petersen journeys with Angels, Spirit Guides, Saints, Love and Light Beings, Mother/Father God, Ancient Archangels and Loved Ones who have passed. She channels personal spiritual messages and brings forth details only known by you, you will know its truth. She imparts upon each person information from their own personal angels, guides, and spirits that are with us from the highest realm. She is able to see a movie and hear the words to share what spirit desires for you to receive for your highest good.

Please join us for this show and invite your angel friends to join in with you. To get more information about Gigi and her Angels you can email her at You will find free meditations and Angel Wisdom at www.ANGELWISDOM.ORG

This is a LIVE program and all you need to do to become part of the program in call this number 213-559-2974 and press the number one and we will get your questions answered.

Blog Talk Radio: Re-wire Me Please; A New Year’s Practice of Meditation

The Pure Hope Show – January 27, 7:00pm

Special Guest: Rhonda Cannata, Ray of Light Enterprises
Episode #23: Re-wire Me Please; A New Year’s Practice of Meditation

Come join Hope on the New Year show in January for a talk about Meditation. Hope began meditating in the ’70’s and she has had a regular practice of meditation for over 30 years. She knows how a daily meditation practice can literally rewire the brain and help one develop a new kind of relationship with all life. Joining Hope on this episode is special guest, Rhonda Cannata. Rhonda has been divinely inspired to birth Ray of Light Enterprises. RAY of LIGHT stands for Remembering Always to say YES to Living Into the Glory of Your Highest Truth! This sums up Rhonda’s depth of purpose for her self-proclaimed journey toward a life of positively impacting human potential in service to the greater good.

Rhonda Cannata

Rhonda Cannata

Both Rhonda and Hope believe wholeheartedly in the unlimited brilliance and potential that lives within every being on the planet. Rhonda is a self-taught practitioner in the areas of meditation and energy healing – specializing in, and utilizing a variety of modalities. She will be sharing with us a New Year guided visualization/meditation to help us recognize and feel and accept our own beautiful MAGNIFICENCE! Hope will also be sharing a meditation for the New Year through the Goddess of Liberty the Archangel Michael, which will help us expand our internal Flame, and Triple in its Activity – Love and Wisdom and Power. This Goddess of Liberty Flame was carried safely across the Ocean from France to the United States which was given to us as a gift to release us from the wheel of birth and death.

Rhonda Cannata, Ray of Light Enterprises
Phone: 507-345-6696
Facebook: Illuminating Magnificence