Blog Talk Radio: Advanced Teachings in the Course of Miracles

The Pure Hope Show – May 26, 7:00pm central time

Special Guest: Gary Renard
Episode #27: Advanced Teachings in the Course of Miracles

Gary Renard is a bold, courageous speaker who was visited by Masters who brought forth profound teachings from the Course in Miracles.

Gary is a best-selling author known for “The Disappearance of the Universe” as well as “Your Immortal Reality” and “Love Has Forgotten No One.”

This interview will include straight talk about illusions, religions, and how to stop the wheel of reincarnation.

Pure Hope Show Archives

Pure Hope Blog Talk Radio Show: Practical Spirituality

“Practical Spirituality; The Practicality of living It!”

Join us on an adventure to talk about “Practical Spirituality; The Practicality of living It!” The first thing you have to do of living to become a highly Spiritual functional being is to be fully integrated in your body on an energetic level. In this adventure with Selina Maitreya, we will gather the fruit of her wisdom to reach upward to become one with your Higher Self and connecting with the higher powers of the universe- You have access all the time to your Universal Mind, Higher Will, and Light as a living entity. There is a wave of energy passing through our galaxy that is altering the course of all life it touches. Let the Light of this show pass through you altering the course of your life!

SelinaSelina Maitreya is a highly regarded consultant to commercial photographers worldwide. She is a published author of 2 best-selling books and a global lecturer. Prior to and concurrent to her coaching career for the last 30 + years, she has been a spiritual student studying many philosophies, and spiritual practices. Drawn to the simple yet powerful idea that WE ARE ALL ONE; that our natural inheritance in LOVE, and that our actions affect not only us but every single energy entity, Selina began to live her life as her practice. Committed to responding from one of the many faces of LOVE to life’s many challenges, gifts and experiences. Selina realized that regardless of external circumstances as she responded to life through one of the many faces of love; kindness, gratitude, compassion, wisdom and tolerance she was creating a life that is peaceful and abundant, with relationships that are rich and meaningful. Please join us with this Spiritual Teacher who walks her talk!

Selina Maitreya –


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Radiating Energy

Dear Friends,

Once, long ago, rulers in India kept monks close to their courts. They knew about energy expansion and radiation and they knew that daily meditation for peace had a calming effect on the populace. The kings took care of the monks so they could care for society. Even in medieval Europe, villages felt protected against robbers in the presence of a nearby monastery. This ancient wisdom is being rediscovered and used at the Hope Interfaith Center and we are very proud to be connected to other groups who are gathering to create world peace.

The idea that groups of meditating people can influence the societies around them challenges many people. I also know that many people’s lives are extremely busy and believe that solo meditation is just as good. But I have had an opportunity to go to Fairfield, Iowa and do some T.M. meditation and also study a bit about the Maharishi who I believe was a remarkable Indian Guru who came to inspire Westerners to meditate for world peace. Also, I am staying connected to a woman in Peru who is helping me explore the sacred science of shamanic techniques. I am learning more and more about the fascinating body of research on our consciousness that seems to prove that group meditation has the potential to reduce violence and conflict in the world.

Especially with this incoming energy that is bathing the Universe at this time, I know it’s still hard to believe, yes. But more and more rigorous research is showing the impact of group meditation which exceeds that of any other ongoing social or psychological research program ever done. This research is still going on and on and it has survived a broader array of statistical tests than most research in the field on conflict resolution.

The findings on group meditation for world peace have been startling. And, if you want to dig into this more please do so and pass on this information to me. For I am dedicated to bringing people together in our temple at the Hope Interfaith Center to blaze light and love unto this beautiful planet. When groups of dedicated people gather together for the intention of world peace the group has an increased coherence and it is said that the energy of this intention has a “spill over” effect. When you come to these groups and participate fully the participants are more awake, they see the big picture and are more positive. They radiate an energy that magnetically enhances their own personal lives. Your life can take on a certain magical energy that helps you flow verses always being in a struggle with life. When people come together in groups at the Hope Interfaith Center their brain waves synchronize and then we synchronize our group energy with all the other groups around the world and we create a Tsunami of LOVE and we watch it ripple around the world. The impact of synchronizing our energies affect the Global Consciousness and the behavior of random systems changes around the world. If we all would look to the principles of quantum physics we could all agree that our temple is making a difference in our world.

Now, at the Hope Interfaith Center, we provide a place and form groups that intentionally connect with other groups around the world to create a sophisticated, powerful, potent energy of an ocean of LOVE. We are peacemakers! During this fall and winter I am sending a clarion call out to you my friends to come check us out. We will be having ongoing group meditations for world peace at our center. At each of our spiritual services this fall and winter we will be doing a 10 minute powerful period to synchronize our heart-minds for the intentional purpose of bringing peace upon our planet. Now if everyone who comes to our Spiritual Services only invites one other person to our temple the second Sunday of every month the vibration and frequency will double in size immediately.

We at the Hope Interfaith Center are a peace loving community that is dedicated with our actions and not just our talk to creating peace on Earth and good will for all! Please continue to read up on the other groups and events that we offer at our temple. I am sure you will find a place in one of the many groups that we offer.

With Pure Heart,
Rev. Janice Hope Gorman